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FHD International: Project week in Croatia

Nine of our students from the Business Administration and Tourism & Event Management degree programs travelled to Croatia in April together with Prof. Jan Endrikat to take part in the Erasmus-funded Blended Intensive Program (BIP). The Erasmus+ project entitled "Current Trends in Event Industry" was carried out in cooperation with the ASPIRA University of Applied Sciences in Split. In addition to the Dresden University of Applied Sciences and the Aspira University of Applied Sciences, other universities from Portugal, Austria and Slovenia were also involved in the implementation.
The main aim was to familiarize the participants with current trends in the event industry with regard to the sustainability of events and to gain an insight into the organization of events in hotels and farms. 30 guest students were divided into international and multidisciplinary teams to work as a team on various tasks, case analyses and projects. The on-site part of the intensive program took place at Aspira University of Applied Sciences. At the welcome event, the Dean, Mr. Alen Jerkunica, and the Vice Dean for International Relations, Ms. Petra Mandac, warmly welcomed all students and invited them to take advantage of all the opportunities Erasmus+ has to offer. By combining four modern concepts of corporate development (digital transformation, sustainable development, digital technologies and management of the organization and business processes to implement change) and using creative and modern teaching and learning methods, it was an instructive and interesting project week for everyone. As a result, the students carried out a project which they presented to a jury.

One of our Tourism & Event Management students has now even decided to spend a semester abroad at Aspira University in Split. We wish her lots of fun and an unforgettable time!

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